How to Enjoy the Park
The Village Green is your 13+ acre park to play, relax and find sanctuary space. Please help us maintain the park for everyone to enjoy.
Alcohol is not permitted in the park unless it is during a private or Village Green sponsored event with an ABC permit.
Bicycles must stay on the paved pathways. No cycles on the boardwalk, in the woodlands, in the grassy areas or landscaping.
Pedestrians always have the right of way.
Children under age 14 must wear a helmet.
Camping and Parking
No camping or overnight parking in The Village Green.
Dogs must be on a leash and under the control of their owner at all times.
Please pick up dog waste and dispose of it in one of the designated dog waste containers.
To learn about venues for private events and the process for reserving in The Village Green, visit the rental section of the website (link to page)
Please only use grills located at the picnic shelters in The Village Green. Make sure all fires are properly extinguished and grill clean when finished.
No propane grill use by individuals in The Village Green.
Leave No Trace
Please dispose of all trash in garbage cans located throughout the park. Please do not litter.
Please dispose of food items in the bear-proof trash cans at the playground and Commons locations.
Please do not pick flowers or disturb landscaping.
Remember the principles of Leave No Trace, taking only photos or memories and leaving only footprints.
Lost and Found
The Village Green does not keep a Lost and Found. Unclaimed items turned in the box at the Village Play playground are donated or discarded after two weeks.
No smoking permitted in The Village Green.
Water Fountain
The water fountain is only in operation between April and October. It is winterized in the cold weather months to prevent freezing.
Respect the wildlife in The Village Green. Never approach a wild animal or disturb its habitat in the park.
To report a wildlife problem, call 828-743-3434.
Download a copy of this guide by clicking on this link.
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